Launched on November 10, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is still fresh in the minds of fans who have already fought through the bombastic, set-piece-driven campaign. Centered on the multinational Task Force 141 in conjunction with the Los Vaqueros special forces, players fill the role of Johnny “Soap” MacTavish and Kyle “Gaz” Garrick as they track down Iranian terrorist Hassan Zyani before several American-made ballistic missiles are unleashed on civilian population centers. Receiving favorable critical reception and historic commercial success, Modern Warfare 2’s live-service journey is just beginning, promising a consistent stream of fresh content through the end of 2023.

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Arriving on December 14, 2022, Modern Warfare 2’s first major content patch will include a number of new and requested features fans are anxious for. One of the biggest additions is the Atomgrad Raid, which will pit three players working cooperatively as campaign characters Price, Farah, and Gaz, to infiltrate a highly fortified enemy stronghold. Working with the loadouts and progression system of Modern Warfare 2’s special ops mode, the first of many raids will serve as a direct continuation of the campaign’s narrative as the three operators discover grim tidings in Zyani’s underground bunker.

What perils lay in wait at Atomgrad are still a mystery, but the rewards for successfully completing the raid are sure to be bountiful. Access will require a raid key, which is earned in one of three ways. Players can complete a unique daily challenge in Modern Warfare 2’s multiplayer or special-ops mode for a key. Placing in the top 20 in any of Warzone 2’s playlists will award a key. And finally, extracting on the last helicopter in DMZ with at least $30,000 in tow will net players a key. One key is all that is required to enter the Raid for a player and their squadmates, and access will be granted for the span of a week before the key expires. That should give plenty of time for trial-and-error as squads uncover the secrets of Atomgrad, unlocking a brand-new operator and a harder-difficulty special ops playlist.

If this first content patch is any indication of the year to come for Modern Warfare 2, gamers should be in for quite a treat. With the Atomgrad raid dropping alongside a ton of other new content, December 14 should be a hotly anticipated date for fans of any of Modern Warfare 2’s many game modes.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Call of Duty