It should be noted that, because Call of Duty games often have massive file sizes, the developer and publisher have begun partitioning each game into sections. For example, there is the base game content required to play it, but then fans can install or uninstall the campaign sections, the co-op features, and the multiplayer. That may help, except no matter what it’s still a huge game.

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In total, reports indicate Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (including its necessary day one update) sits at over 100 GB on PS5 consoles and around 131 GB on Xbox consoles. Some fans may have hoped to circumvent some of this by downloading it from a physical disc, but that’s not really an option. As discovered by Twitter user Does It Play?, the disc has a grand total of 70 MB available to download via it. In truth, this sounds more like the verification needed to play the game via the disc than the game itself, so it helps no one.

Of course, again, some fans will just prefer discs and that’s fine, but for those with less-than-ideal internet connectivity, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s massive file size is going to prevent at least some fans from playing day one. Digital users can pre-load, of course, but there are going to be people who miss this news, already pre-order a physical copy hoping to avoid some internet usage, and so on. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, especially its multiplayer, will be enjoyed by fans for weeks to come, so this isn’t the end of the world. But waiting for a download on a highly anticipated game is not a good feeling.

But it’s almost here. It remains to be seen if it holds up to the popularity of the last Modern Warfare game or ranks more alongside Vanguard and Black Ops Cold War, but the next chapter of Modern Warfare is definitely knocking.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launches on October 28 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Recapping Modern Warfare’s Story Before Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s Release

Source: Does It Play? (via Push Square)