One of the somewhat disappointing factors of the state of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer is the fact that it is not set to contain the popular Gunfight mode at launch. Despite being a relative staple of the new CoD multiplayer framework, it is somewhat understandable why the game is releasing without the mode, especially when looking at other recent franchise installments.

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The Basics of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the massively anticipated upcoming installment to the longstanding FPS franchise, set for a release date of October 28. Infinity Ward ran a closed Modern Warfare 2 beta for pre-ordering customers in late September, and the same players have also had full early access to the title’s ambitious campaign mode since October 20.

The campaign of Modern Warfare 2 directly carries on from the events of the game’s predecessor, 2019’s Modern Warfare. Both of these releases are reboot titles of the iconic original MW trilogy of games, so it is no wonder that the campaigns contain many familiar faces in the way of Task Force 141, Captain Price, Soap MacTavish, and more.

As well as this, Modern Warfare 2 will possess its own take on the popular multiplayer Call of Duty formula, while releasing in close proximity to a sequel to the massively successful battle royale title Call of Duty: Warzone. Warzone 2 possesses its own new features like an Escape From Tarkov styled PvPvE mode called DMZ; it is clear that this next generation in the Call of Duty lineage is an ambitious one.

The Lack of Gunfight At Launch With Modern Warfare 2

Gunfight is a relatively new mode to the CoD multiplayer experience, originally releasing with Modern Warfare in 2019. A highly competitive but decidedly fun mode, Gunfight sees two teams of two players compete against each other in close-knit maps, using identical weapons and equipment with no health regeneration to eliminate the other team in perma-death rounds.

Stalemate rounds are decided by a quickly-captured point or by which team has the most remaining health. Gunfight has been typified by high-octane and highly competitive gameplay on an intimate scale that CoD has rarely seen outside of unofficial 1v1s. Due to the popularity of this mode, it is understandable that many fans were disappointed to learn that Gunfight would not be included in Modern Warfare 2 as an available mode at launch.

However, other more contemporary releases such as Black Ops Cold War had a similar situation, in which Gunfight was not added at launch but instead as a post-launch mode during Season One of the game’s multiplayer. This allowed players to become more familiar with the fresh content and core gameplay, while additionally providing a much-needed level of excitement for post-launch content that came fairly early on into the game’s life cycle.

With this in mind, it makes sense that the even more expansive Modern Warfare 2 takes a similar route. The sheer amount of launch content means that the intricacies of Gunfight can be properly ironed out by Infinity Ward before being implemented without too much fan backlash. Given just how popular Modern Warfare’s Gunfight is as a mode, its post-launch release will be sure to ignite more buzz within the CoD community, whenever this release may be.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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