Plunder has been a fan favorite mode in Call of Duty: Warzone ever since it was first introduced a number of years ago, so much so, that when Raven Software temporarily removed it for other limited time modes, fans continued to petition to have Plunder return as a permanent mode. In a similar respect, Cranked was a limited time multiplayer mode that featured fast-paced action as players needed to earn a kill as quickly as possible or risk exploding. Both modes have yet to make an appearance in the latest Call of Duty game, though a new leak seems to indicate that they could be on their way soon.

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A prominent Call of Duty dataminer known as BKTOOR dug through the latest game files and discovered a couple of images which seems to indicate a return for both Plunder and Cranked. The images found appear to be icons of each game mode, with Crank featuring a wrench and the Plunder ones having a dollar sign along with one soldier for solo and four intended for Quads.

It’s also worth noting that BKTOOR provided a follow-up post clarifying a few things. In terms of the colors of the icons, the red gear of the supposed Cranked icon seems to indicate that this is a Modern Warfare 2 game mode, while the yellow dollar signs for Plunder relate to Warzone 2. Either way, fans should take the datamined details with a grain of salt for now until Activision, Infinity Ward, or Raven Software officially comment.

For now, players will need to continue to wait for official news on both modes, perhaps alongside a Season 2 reveal. In the meantime, the playlists have just been updated in Modern Warfare 2, removing the holiday themed Shipment playlist in favor of just Shipment 24/7. For those who may be tired of the rapid fire combat on the tiny Shipment map, Infinity Ward has also added Bounty, a variant of Team Deathmatch where the highest scoring player on each team is marked on the map and provides more points for being hunted down.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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