Ghost is a key character in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 campaign, presented as one of Task Force 141’s deadliest and most efficient soldiers. Ghost’s personality and quips have been highlighted as a high point of the campaign, with one funny exchange happening when he’s asked to remove his mask. Ghost is teased about being ugly behind the mask, and he says that he’s “Quite the opposite, actually,” which has actually become a popular TikTok sound.

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In any case, Ghost’s mask stays on throughout the entirety of the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, so players never get to see what he looks like without it off. But while Ghost’s face is never revealed in an official capacity, that doesn’t mean a face model for the character doesn’t exist. In fact, leakers have unearthed Ghost’s face, showing what the new version of the character looks like without his mask.

It’s possible that Ghost will be officially unmasked in a future Modern Warfare game or as part of Modern Warfare 2’s ongoing storyline, so some fans may consider this a “spoiler.” However, it seems unlikely that Infinity Ward will ever bother taking Ghost’s mask off. After all, Ghost’s mask has become a symbol for the Call of Duty franchise as a whole. It’s honestly one of the main reasons why Ghost has been such a popular character all these years, and so it seems like it would be counterproductive to unmask him.

Besides Ghost being featured in the Modern Warfare 2 campaign, he’s also one of the playable Operators in MW2’s multiplayer mode. Additionally, players can take their Ghost Operator into battle in the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 battle royale as well, and one has to imagine that he will play a role in the rumored MW2 campaign DLC that insiders believe is on the way next year. The jury is still out on whether the MW2 campaign DLC is real or not, but fans can count on Ghost making regular appearances in the franchise moving forward.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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