While the majority of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s levels seem to be entirely new creations, Infinity Ward may have taken a look back at its previous output to inspire some of its latest work. Beta players have noticed that big chunks of one of the game’s multiplayer maps seem very similar to a famous snow-bound level from 2003’s legendary Call of Duty​​​​​.

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It seems that significant portions of the new multiplayer map Farm 18 in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have been inspired by the level MP_Pavlov from the original Call of Duty. The visual side of things has obviously been substantially improved, but the flow of the level and even its rough geometry seem to both be translated into this new arena. For example, the small killhouse on one side of Farm 18’s playable area has more than a passing resemblance to MP_Pavlov’s general room layout.

While some feel that Modern Warfare 2 delivers more of the same, it’s a testament to Infinity Ward’s expertise that they can circle back to what makes this particular variant of Call of Duty interesting to players from the very start. In fact, by picking and choosing some of the best parts of the studio’s tried-and-true content, Infinity Ward could make Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s selection of maps stand out by combining the old with the new, as seems to be the case with Farm 18.

Farm 18 and its apparent similarity to a downright ancient Call of Duty map may be considered a bit of a success story in the making, but not every announced multiplayer level has ended up being this lucky. In fact, Modern Warfare 2’s Marina Bay level was removed from the game after being announced as a flagship piece of beta content, and there’s yet to be an explanation provided as to why that’s the case.

Another prominent issue with the early multiplayer beta, aside from all the bugs, was the fact that Modern Warfare 2’s Gunsmith is severely limited in this iteration, not allowing players to freely unlock and tweak their guns however they saw fit. While it’s obvious that the system allows for plenty of complexity within the scope of the game, its stunted availability didn’t do the game any real favors.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on October 28, 2022, on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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