Killstreaks, rewards for killing a certain number of opponents in a row without dying, first became part of Call of Duty with the original Modern Warfare in 2007. Killstreaks were replaced by pointstreaks for Modern Warfare 3 and Ghosts, but have remained consistent since with the added option of switching over to “scorestreak” rewards in Modern Warfare 2. The most famous killstreak in the franchise, a tactical nuke, was earned for achieving 25 straight kills though it is not an option in the latest release. Less difficult to obtain but no less rewarding killstreaks include taking control of a heavy assault gunship and raining fire on the battlefield below.

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Modern Warfare 2 gamer CasualAnime shared a brief video of the cutscene that plays when a player gets blown up while controlling the assault gunship. While not as surprising as a knife kill from across the map in multiplayer, losing access to the assault gunship can be demoralizing given the need for a killstreak of 12 to unlock it. Watching a quick cutscene of their character losing control and then falling as the gunship explodes around them might lessen some pain from getting shot down.

Different cutscenes will play out for different controllable killstreaks, such as the assault chopper. Sitting in the pilot seat or gunner position will result in a different cutscene when the chopper is shot down. Controllable killstreak rewards differ from helicopters found during the Ground War mode, which do not give a cutscene when destroyed.

Reaction to the killstreak cutscenes has been mixed among the vocal Modern Warfare 2 fans on Twitter. Some fans enjoy seeing them, others think they take too long and a third group is wondering why cutscenes are enabled but Modern Warfare 2’s multitude of multiplayer bugs are still not fixed. Another section of fans did not know you could actually shoot down the gunships in the first place. Cutscenes for losing a killstreak have no real impact on gameplay, but they do add an enjoyable touch to what can be a stressful multiplayer mode.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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