Players are discovering lots of interesting details about the newest addition to the Call of Duty franchise, such as an absurd Modern Warfare 2 G walk trick that went viral for its fast speeds and odd movements, or the truck trick to avoid bounty hunters. While fans can assume that some of these tricks are unintentional, others may have been purposefully added by the developers, like one that uses an environmental hazard device to damage enemies in unexpected and hilarious ways.

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Content creator DefendTheHouse came out with volume 2 of their MythBusters series, featuring Modern Warfare 2. At the 11:04 mark in the video, a fire extinguisher is showcased as having the potential to kill opponents on the other team. If done in a specific way, not only will this kill enemy players in an embarrassing fashion and cause them to look again at their kill cam, but it also is a slick way for players to increase their skills for future multiplayer matches. Similarly, in the campaign there is a funny PlayStation trophy called “A Crappy Way To Die” for players who shoot a porta-potty with an enemy inside.

Once a fire extinguisher is shot next to an enemy player it will damage and briefly disorient them. The fire extinguisher is seen exploding on the ground as the fumes rise up around the player, leaving them open for the finishing blow. When this trick is tried a second time, the enemy player is shot in the foot first so when the fire extinguisher is shot and consequently explodes, it kills them instantly.

This trick relies on enemy players having prior damage in order for the fire extinguisher to take them out, and due to the time delay from when the fire extinguisher is shot to when it explodes, players will have to get creative if they want to pull this off in a live match. However, the weapon used may have an impact on how long it takes for the fire extinguisher to explode, as there are more powerful weapons in Modern Warfare 2 than the handgun showcased in the video.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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Source: Dexerto