Modern Warfare 2’s single-player campaign was released through early access last week, with the experience becoming a hit, achieving one of Call of Duty’s highest concurrent player counts on Steam. Videos that challenged viewers to tell the difference between Modern Warfare 2’s rendition of Amsterdam and the actual capital city went viral, the story received praise, and everything seemed poised for a return to previous glory, following two franchise entries that failed to find their boots firmly on the ground.

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A video uploaded to Reddit by u/iamjeli, which has since been removed by moderators of r/CallOfDuty, paints a picture different from the aforementioned optimism. One of a few potentially game-breaking issues that have been discovered in Modern Warfare 2, mere days after launch, the player character is seen looking down their scope when an opponent appears at the top right of the screen, seemingly airborne. There is no aircraft in sight, merely an enemy model continuously flying up and down, firing at the POV player who cannot counter this unorthodox technique.

The Superman role-play does not cease, with the flight-gifted enemy proceeding to launch themselves overhead, floating far higher than should be possible until the distance becomes too great for them to be rendered, and they disappear. A comment on the post claimed that this phenomenon had occurred to such a degree during their time playing, that they quit in frustration. Modern Warfare 2 glitch videos have begun circulating online, with one detailing a method for players to fling themselves across the map and gain otherwise impossible height in the process, which a few are utilizing with the intent of performing trick shots.

The initial shine of Modern Warfare 2 has started to wear away as more of these launch bugs come to light, and critics opine about what some consider to be a lackluster narrative follow-up. Whether it be a tagging error, which causes opponents to be visible the entire match, an ever-growing list of missing features, or weapon tuning continuously causing crashes, discontent towards Modern Warfare 2 is building. In a year that has seen post-launch content for FPS titles frequently stumble, such as with Battlefield 2042 and Halo Infinite, fans will no doubt hope that these issues are fixed soon and do not persist.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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