To do the Station easter egg in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, players will want to make sure that they have an LMG equipped. They will then want to turn their attention to the grey emblems on the center building. Shooting the emblems with an LMG for long enough will cause them to break away, revealing a number hidden underneath. The final emblem will have a keypad, and so players need to take all five numbers and input them into the keypad using their LMG, starting with the one farthest from the keypad.

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Players will then want to turn around and climb on the train car to see the easter egg. What happens is a massive teddy bear with glowing red eyes crash lands on the map. Aesthetically, it looks similar to the teddy bear from the Trench easter egg, but giant-sized. In any case, an airstrike quickly descends on the location, destroying the giant teddy bear before it can become a threat to mankind.

Infinity Ward made no mention of this Station Gunfight easter egg in its patch notes, and that’s not the only secret change it made to Call of Duty with the latest update. There were a number of secret changes made to Warzone, with perhaps the most notable being the addition of the Foresight killstreak. The Foresight killstreak lets players see the locations for every circle on the map, giving them a significant advantage in the final moments of the match.

Meanwhile, the choice to use demonic-looking teddy bears in easter eggs may hint at some future content planned for Modern Warfare. A Halloween event is in the works for October 20, and the big rumor is that it will add zombies to the game in some capacity. Teddy bears have long been associated with the Zombies game modes in past Call of Duty titles, so perhaps they will be tied to that in some way.

That remains to be seen, but the Black Ops Cold War Zombies mode reveal is set to happen soon, and it will definitely be interesting to see what direction Treyarch takes it in the new game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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