Before outlining this method for fixing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s slow download speeds it is important to note that this may not work for absolutely every player. While indeed there are fans reporting that this approach has resolved the slow update issue for them, with so many players currently trying to get access to CoD: MW Season 4 some throttling may be simply be unavoidable.

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With that said, here are the steps that fans that are currently experiencing slow download speeds through should take:

Pause the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 update Go to Battle. net Settings and limit the download speed to 100KB/s Resume the update and wait for 10 seconds Return to Settings and remove the download speed limit

Players report that after completing Step 4 they are seeing download speeds for today’s CoD: MW update return to normal, though there is one big caveat: the fix is not permanent. Indeed, fans may see their download speeds slow once again, and they will then need to repeat the previously outlined steps. While this means that players will need to monitor the update, fans that are very excited to experience the new Modern Warfare content may prefer that to the alternative of having slow download speeds.

To note, players that are outside of the United States and are experiencing slow download speeds through Blizzard’s platform have an alternative approach that they can try. Specifically, setting up a VPN and connecting to a US server is reported workaround for slow update speeds, and fans that really want to dive into the fourth season of Modern Warfare and Warzone may want to give it a try.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 Adding One in the Chamber

Source: Reddit