For clarity, charms in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare are little cosmetic items that attach to the side of weapon by way of a small metal ring. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s weapon charms depict an assortment of items, ranging from a slice of pizza to a Molotov cocktail, and they have no impact on gameplay. Even still, these CoD: MW cosmetics are fun little collectibles, and a number of them can be unlocked with relative ease.

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How to Get Weapon Charms in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Players that want to unlock weapon charms will need to take a break from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s multiplayer modes to navigate to the Multiplayer Challenges menu, which can be found in the Barracks tab of the main Multiplayer menu. From there, players should select the Missions tab in order to view a large selection of missions, each of which are comprised of a series of objectives to be completed. As fans peruse through these objectives, they will notice that a number of them reward a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare charm for their completion.

Indeed, players that want to get weapon charms in CoD: MW should simply target the objectives that grant them. That said, it is important to note that a mission’s objectives must be completed in order, which means that fans will need to take on several objectives before they reach some of the rarer Call of Duty: Modern Warfare charms. However, there are a few charms that are awarded upon completion of the first objective of a mission, giving players quick access to several weapon charms.

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Infinity Ward’s new first-person shooter certainly contains a great number of fun cosmetics for fans to enjoy, including the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare watches that display the real world time. Weapon trinkets are just one such cosmetic, and with a little focus, players should not have much trouble getting several of them unlocked quickly.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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