There aren’t a lot of melee weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare at the moment, so the introduction of the Kali sticks is a breath of fresh air. These weapons are essentially dual wielded batons, and are a reference to a real world Filipino martial arts style which uses these weapons.

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Rather than purchasing the Kali sticks, players will have to earn them the old fashioned way. In this case, that means completing a challenge which will take quite some time and require a lot of dedication. That said, the reward is worth it for those that enjoy melee in Modern Warfare or Warzone.

In order to unlock the Kali sticks, players will need to complete a Modern Warfare challenge and get three melee kills while sliding across 15 different matches. Because of the relatively short animation that accompanies sliding and the already difficult task of getting melee kills in the first place, this will likely be difficult. What’s more, the first and third kill need to be within 15 matches of each other, so players will need to average one sliding knife kill per five matches. This can be done on any game mode, but one with many players may be the best option.

The Kali sticks are unique in that they allow for very fast attacks. Normally, if the player misses with a knife attack, there is a brief waiting period before they can do anything else. Though this may be a small time to wait, it is more than enough for an enemy player to realize what’s happened and retaliate. Additionally, the Kali sticks also have the added benefit of increased movement speed like the combat knife, which should make closing distances much easier. Because there is no penalty for missing opponents, the Kali sticks can be great for taking out groups of enemies in close range or for those players that struggle with precision in melee.

Using the combat knife will certainly make unlocking these weapons easier, but in the end it will just take a lot of patience. This harkens back to the old days when unlocking anything in a video game required either a lot of skill or patience (and sometimes both).

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Dexerto