Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has continued to give players a hefty amount of scheduled content through the year for five seasons now, with a season six for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare rumored to release some time in the near future. Activision has made constant changes to the game to keep it a fresh and entertaining way to play with friends online, despite numerous glitches and exploits.

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Even with the controversy of Call of Duty player accounts hacked, there is still much to enjoy about the series with new multiplayer modes and fixed skill balancing issues among online players. And now, Activision wants players to create new memories with their friends by sharing a simple way to gift them a free battle pass for any type of special occasion.

Through the useful Call of Duty Companion App, which is mainly used as a way of tracking player statistics and game history, can now be used to send other players battle passes for a cost. However, there is a catch, both players must not only be friends on PlayStation or Xbox but also be friends on the home Activision site for over a week.

If fans click the “Player” tab and move down to the “Battle Pass” section, there is an option they need to click that says “Gift the Pass.” There are two options for sending either the more complex Call of Duty Battle Pass Bundle for 2,400 COD points or just the standard battle pass for 1,000 COD points. Once the player has made their decision, all they have to do is enter the other account’s information, hit send, and bask in the glory of being a good friend.

The next time the friend logs on, they should see a notification for the gift and be able to start fighting together side by side as a brother in arms. The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 5 battle pass has a lot to offer players with new weapons and maps, so it is excellent that Activision and Infinity Ward are giving players a convenient way to share this experience with a buddy through these incredibly troubling times. Hopefully, this just makes gaming on a Saturday night with the boys a whole lot more exciting.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Dexerto