To note, a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare blueprint can be used even if a player has not previously unlocked the specific weapon. While customizing the blueprinted weapon will still require fans to unlock the various CoD: MW cosmetics and attachments for it, this aspect of Modern Warfare’s blueprints is yet another reason that players may wish to learn how to utilize the new system.

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How to Use Blueprints in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The process of using blueprints in CoD: MW begins with unlocking them, and this is done in the same way that players unlock weapon charms in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: by completing the Multiplayer Challenges that can be found within the Barracks tab of the main Multiplayer menu. Indeed, completing a full mission’s worth of objectives will often unlock a blueprint in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and players that want these unique weapons should focus on these challenges.

Once a player has earned a CoD: MW blueprint, they can view its details by opening the main Multiplayer menu, navigating to the Weapons tab, and then selecting Armory. However, this is not how players will use a blueprint in Modern Warfare, as that is done through the Edit Loadouts section of the Weapons tab, where fans arm themselves for crossplay multiplayer in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

From within Edit Loadouts, players should first select the loadout that they would like to use a blueprint in. They should then select the weapon type of the blueprint that they are interested in using, whether it be an assault rifle, SMG, or otherwise, and they must then navigate to the specific weapon that they have a blueprint unlocked for. With the weapon selected, players should then simply hit right to select Armory and equip the blueprint to their preferred Call of Duty: Modern Warfare operator.

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Notably, weapons that have an unlocked blueprint will display a number and an arrow directly to their right when viewed in the loadouts menu, making it very easy for players to determine the guns that they have blueprints for. Thus, with these bits of instruction, fans should find it quite simple to use blueprints in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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